Aggressive zirconia alumina belts for highly demanding applications,
with a focus on cost efficiency: ZIRCONIT ZR 494 Z & ZR 496 Z
Your advantages
Very high stock removalLong tool lifeExcellent price-performance ratioZR 494 Z: Very economical when grinding aluminum & construction steelZR 496 Z: Best suited for heat sensitive materials
Construction steelCarbon steelAluminumStainless steelHigh alloy steelsWood, wood based materials, compositesLeveling/smoothing of welds, burrs & edgesRough grindingDescalingCalibation sanding
Grain: Zirconia aluminaScattering: ClosedBacking: Heavy, stiff polyester Z-clothGrit range: # 24, 36, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120Delivery forms: Belts & wide beltsWith & without active coating